Dream Run Camp

Where dreamers come to run, and runners live the dream.

An experience of a lifetime

At Dream Run Camp, we believe that your passion, not your ability, should decide how far you go with your running. Don’t just wonder how good you could be–find out at Dream Run Camp!

Let’s dream big together

Have you ever dreamed of being a professional runner, or at least living like one for a period of time? Stop dreaming and come to Dream Run Camp!

Inspired by Matt Fitzgerald’s book Running the Dream, which chronicles his experience as a “fake professional runner” with Flagstaff, Arizona-based HOKA Northern Arizona Elite team, Dream Run Camp is the first and only pro-style training camp that welcomes runners of all abilities.

Pine Tree Giff

High-altitude Training

Take your running to a whole new level by training in the beautiful, high-altitude runners’ paradise of Flagstaff, Arizona
House Giff

Make yourself at home

At Dream House we have a state-of-the-art runners’ retreat equipped with a full gym, a recovery lounge, a spa pool, trail access, and more. Hang out and learn from with world-renowned author and Dream Camp coach-in-residence Matt Fitzgerald.
Running shoe

Custom Training Packages

Work one-on-one with elite strength coaches, dietitians, sports psychologists, injury experts and massage therapists.

Dream Run Camp Is Different.

There are a lot of running camps out there. But only Dream Run Camp makes a pro-style training camp experience available to runners of all abilities.

Other Run Camps Vs Dream Run Camp
Fixed Dates

clock iconTiming


Come whenever you like
3-4 Days

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Stay as long as you like (up to 12 weeks)
20-30 Runners

clock iconSize


4-6 Runners
Chain Hotels

clock iconLodging


Beautiful private home filled with runner-specific amenities
$400-700 per day

clock iconCost


$45-115 per day
Group Coaching

clock iconCoaching


Personal coaching from coach-in-residence Matt Fitzgerald

clock iconPro Team Affiliation


Hoka Northern Arizona Elite

Frequently asked questions

What will a typical day be like at Dream Run Camp?

There will be an organized morning group run six to seven days each week. It will begin between 7:30 and 8:30 AM typically. On Thursdays, camp participants will join the Bagel Run, a weekly easy run that welcomes all-comers and starts at Biff’s Bagels in downtown Flagstaff. On Fridays, the group run will begin at the same time and location as the HOKA Northern Arizona Elite team’s morning practice. Coach Matt or an assistant will provide transportation to and from all morning group runs, except when they start from the Team House.

Between 4:00 and 5:00 PM most days, Coach Matt will host office hours at the Team House. This will be an opportunity for everyone currently staying at the house to get together to talk about training and whatever else. Tea will be served. On Tuesday afternoons, Live from Dream Camp will be hosted at the house. A guest speaker will give a talk either in person or remotely and the event will be streamed live over the internet.

Outside of these structured group events, camp participants will be free to fill their time as they please. Options include working, exercising, relaxing in the Mind-Body Recovery Lounge, using the on-site spa pool, meeting with NAZ Elite support staff members (strength and conditioning coach, physiotherapist, dietitian, sports psychologist, massage therapist), enjoying Flagstaff, hanging out with other camp participants, and watching television.

Special group events will take place on an ad hoc basis. For example, a local professional athlete might drop in to talk to the group, or Dream Run Camp participants might attend an event hosted by Run Flagstaff (the city’s largest running club), or Coach Matt might take the group to one of Flagstaff’s many great restaurants to dine together, or the group might gather for a New York City Marathon or Millrose Games watch party.

I understand that the minimum stay at Dream Run Camp is one week and the maximum stay is twelve weeks. But what is the ideal length of time to stay?

The longer you stay at Dream Run Camp, the more your running will benefit. So, if you’re able to stay a full 12 weeks or close to it, go for it! But you will have a wonderful and unforgettable experience no matter how long you stay—even if it’s just one week.

I’ve never trained at high altitude before. How will it affect me?

Training at high altitude isn’t as extreme as some runners make it out to be. The lower concentration of oxygen at high altitude simply increases the relative intensity of any given running pace, requiring runners to slow down a bit to match sea-level intensity. Running at high elevation is only “harder” if you don’t make this adjustment. Coach Matt will guide you in this process.

Many runners report that living at altitude is more challenging than training at altitude, but only in the beginning, until the body acclimates. During your first few days at Dream Run Camp you may notice changes in your appetite, thirst, and sleep. Your skin is likely to feel drier and you may experience headaches and nosebleeds. You’ll need to drink more water and perhaps use moisturizer on your skin throughout your stay at dream run camp, but the other changes will resolve themselves as your body adjusts.

Of course, the reason runners choose to train at high altitude is that it stimulates changes in the blood that result in better performance at lower elevations. To reap these benefits, you will need to consume adequate iron, which is a key ingredient in the formation of red blood cells. We recommend that you get a blood test to check your ferritin level prior to coming to Dream Run Camp and increase your intake of dietary iron before and during your time in Flagstaff. If you’re staying longer than a few weeks, we encourage you to get another blood test at Labcorp, one of Dream Run Camps partners, to ensure your body is adjusting properly.

What happens if I get injured and can’t run at Dream Run Camp?

We certainly hope you don’t get injured, but if you do develop a pain issue or injury serious enough to keep you from running for one or more days, it need not ruin your Dream Run Camp experience. Coach Matt got injured halfway through his “fake pro runner” experience with NAZ Elite in 2017 and it didn’t spoil his experience. With support from the experts at Hypo2 Sport, we will help you stay fit with cross-training while treating and rehabilitating the injury. You will not receive a full or partial refund in the event that you get injured during your stay at Dream Run Camp.

I have a coach. Can I continue to work with this person while I’m at Dream Run Camp?

No problem. Dream Run Camp offers two levels of experience. The Elite Experience includes one-on-one coaching from Coach Matt, whereas the Pro Experience does not. If you wish to be trained remotely by your current coach while at Dream Run Camp, choose the Pro Experience, which has a lower cost.

What is your COVID-19 policy?

Our policy is to conform to all applicable government ordinances. We recommend but do not require that attendees be recently vaccinated against COVID-19. When case rates are high, we will require that attendees submit a negative COVID-19 test result within 48 hours prior to arriving at Dream Run Camp. If you develop COVID-19 symptoms or test positive for the virus while at Dream Run Camp, you will be asked to self-quarantine in the Team House casita, a comfortable attached guest quarters with its own kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and office, and its own separate entrance.

I’m a slower runner. Will I be out of my depth at Dream Run Camp?

Absolutely not. Dream Run Camp welcomes runners of all abilities. You will always feel like a full remember of the group regardless of your pace.

I’m under 18. Can I participate in Dream Run Camp?

Unfortunately, no. At this time, Dream Run Camp is for adults only.

Can I bring my spouse or partner to Dream Run Camp?

Yes. If your companion is a nonrunner, there is an additional charge of 10 percent per week for double occupancy of a room at the Team House. If your companion also wishes to participate in Dream Run Camp, there will be an additional charge of 50 percent per week.

Can I bring my kids to Dream Run Camp?

At this time we cannot accommodate children at Dream Run Camp. However, we will be more than happy to help you make arrangements to have your kid(s) stay elsewhere in Flagstaff with your partner or other caregiver while you’re at Dream Camp.

I’m not so keen on the idea of sharing a roof with strangers. Will I be uncomfortable at Dream Run Camp?

The Team House environment at Dream Run Camp is relaxed and welcoming, even for introverts. Coach Matt is very down to earth and approach, and as the leader of Dream Run Camp he sets a tone that makes everyone feel as comfortable as possible. And don’t forget, you’ll have your own private bedroom at the house, which is large enough that it’s easy for all guests to get the alone time they need.

How will I get around while I’m at Dream Run Camp?

If you fly into and out of Flagstaff Pullman Airport for Dream Run Camp, Coach Matt will pick you up there at the beginning of your stay and drop you off at the end. He will also transport all current participants to and from group runs and other group activities. Your best options for getting around otherwise are to rent a vehicle or to take advantage of Dream Run Camp’s corporate Uber rideshare account. You will be billed for your usage of this service at the end of your stay.

I have a job. I can work remotely, but I will need to work while I’m at Dream Run Camp? Will this be possible?

Yes. The Team House has dedicated work space for three people at a time, excellent Wi-Fi, a laser printer, and basic office supplies. Dream Run Camp also has a corporate WeWork account that you are welcome to use if you wish to work outside the Team House. You will be billed for your usage of this service at the end of your stay.

Will my meals be provided at Dream Run Camp?

You have three main options for meals at Dream Run Camp that are not mutually exclusive. The first is a full kitchen, where you are free to store food and prepare meals. The second is our partnership with Trifecta Nutrition, an athlete-friendly all-organic fresh meal delivery service. You are welcome to order as many meals as you like through the Dream Run Camp account. You will be billed for your Trifecta Nutrition purchases at the end of your stay. The third option for meals is Flagstaff’s many excellent restaurants, most of which deliver to the Team House.

Our Partners

Evolve Flagstaff Logo
The Feed
Hoka NAZE Logo

Dream Run Camp was featured by the New York Times, click here for article.